Thank you for your help!
With your donation, you directly support our ongoing and planned projects in Uganda.
Since 2021, we have been on the Ministry of Financeys list of charitable associations.
Of course, your donations are tax-deductible. For this we need your registration data and your date of birth. As soon as we have received your donations, we will pass this information on to the tax office in confidence. It is assured that your donation will be transferred directly to those in need without any administration fees dedecuted from us. All donations will be used for their intended purpose.
If you would like to send us a bank transfer directly, please use the following bank details:
Bank: Erste Bank
Account holder: Stream of Life
IBAN: AT86 2011 1838 1045 9700
Thank you for your support!
Would you like a donation receipt to make your donation tax-deductible? Please use our contact form and let us know your address and date of birth if you are a private individual or your company address if you are an entrepreneur.